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Our Internal Compass

Today I am not writing about psychic intuition, I'm writing about everyday intuition the intuition we could all benefit from, if we can tune in and let it be present.

I have over many years experienced my inner voice the voice that would tell me if I should go down there or turn and run away, the intuition that I felt deep in my solar plexus, The knotting in my stomach where all warning , my intuition was trying to get my attention, I should of listened,

My earliest memory of my intuition, I was around the age 10 playing in a derelict school, I remember we had to run otherwise we of been caught, I went to run across a road and something made me stop I froze on the spot, I felt scared what was that I felt someone at my shoulder but know one was there. I panicked and ran home. Never crossed the road but hid under my duvet.

Many times I would of benefited from listening to the voice in my head and my gut but that is the road I choose, it has given me a deeper understanding of how to use and be guided my intuition.

I would like to share with you some Daily tips for enhancing your intuition which has helped guide me and opened me vision to my inner compass.

Morning alignment

  • Before you even get out of bed, take a moment to my grateful for all that you have the birds singing outside your window the glimpse of the morning sun the fact that you are alive this morning. sets you day already in alignment for a positive day.

  • Pull a daily Oracle Card- first feel the energy, how does it make you feel? what is the image telling you?

  • look for daily signs from the universe, synchronicities, repeated signs, songs that connect, messages in the words.

  • keep a journal to see how you are developing with you intuition, your hunches your signs and unusual meeting, its trying to get your attention.

Honestly it does become fun and life changing. Why not give it a go!!

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